Marianne Moore’s Bryn Mawr Poetry

To My Cup-Bearer

April 2nd, 2010

“To My Cup-Bearer” A lady or a tiger-lily, Can you tell me which, I see her when I wake at night, Incanting, like a witch. Her eye is dark, her vestment rich, Embroidered with a silver stitch, A lady or a tiger lily, Slave, come tell me which? Marianne Moore’s early poem to “To My […]

Councell to A Bachelor

April 2nd, 2010

“Councell to A Bachelor” If thou bee younge Then marie not yett . If thou bee olde, Then no wyfe gett, For young men’s wyves Will not bee taught, And olde men’s wyves Bee good for naught. –Elizabethan trencher, Bodleian Library In her poem, “Councell to A Bachelor” Marianne Moore  engages with an act of intellectual […]